Wrist Pain

Orthopaedic Specialists

Orthopedics & Sports Medicine located in the greater Nashville, Tennessee Area

Wrist pain that doesn’t go away or that affects hand function is a red flag alerting you to an underlying problem that may get progressively worse without treatment. Brandon Downs, MD, and the team at Orthopaedic Specialists have years of experience successfully treating and repairing the full range of wrist problems. If you need relief from wrist pain, call one of the offices in Nashville, Dickson, Ashland City, Kingston Springs, Centerville and Gallatin, Tennessee, or schedule an appointment online today.

Wrist Pain Q & A

What causes wrist pain?

Your wrist is a complex group of bones, joints, and soft tissues that form a movable bridge between your hand and forearm. As the wrist endures extensive movement, it’s at risk for pain-causing problems.

A few of the conditions that cause wrist pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Wrist fractures
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Ganglion cysts
  • Tendon injuries
  • Compressed nerves

Repetitive stress injuries develop from frequently performing the same activity, such as typing or hitting a tennis ball. These injuries cause small tears in soft tissues that don’t have time to heal. As a result, the tissues become inflamed and painful.

When tendons inside the carpal tunnel become inflamed, they compress the median nerve, causing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Acute injuries represent another frequent cause of wrist pain. These injuries often occur from falling onto your outstretched hand. Depending on the height of your fall, you may suffer a sprain, strain, or fracture.

Will I have symptoms other than pain?

The characteristics of wrist pain vary from an aching pain to sudden sharp pain. You may also experience symptoms such as:

  • Restricted movement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Clumsy hand movement
  • Difficulty performing fine movements
  • Numbness or tingling in your hand or arm

It’s time to seek medical attention when your wrist pain lasts more than a few days or any of your symptoms get worse or interfere with your daily activities. Delaying treatment may lead to poor healing or long-term problems, especially if a nerve is damaged.

How do you treat wrist pain?

The providers at Orthopaedic Specialists develop an individualized treatment based on the cause of your pain. Some sources of wrist pain respond to rest or temporary immobilization using a wrist support. You may need a program of structured exercise and stretching, or physical therapy to restore strength, promote healing, and improve your range of motion.

If your pain doesn’t improve with conservative treatment or you suffer a fracture or severe injury, your provider at Orthopaedic Specialists may recommend arthroscopic surgery. During a wrist arthroscopy, narrow instruments are inserted through a few small incisions. A video camera in the arthroscope provides a magnified view of your wrist, allowing Dr. Downs to examine the structures and repair injuries.

If you develop wrist pain, call Orthopaedic Specialists or schedule an appointment online.